Jane Levy Phone Number, House address, Email Address

Actress Jane Levy (II) personal phone number, email contact id, house address information. Jane Levy (II) born December 29, 1989 in Los Angeles, California, USA authentic Phone, Email and Residence Address, Wiki, Bio, Facts, Height, Date of Birth, Quotes, Awards and Work details.

Jane Levy (II) ( Actress )

Jane Levy              (II) Contact Info
Jane Levy (II) Contact Info

Jane Levy was born on December 29, 1989. She was born in California,USA. Jane attended Sir Francis Drake High School in San Anselmo,California. While in school,she was a hip-hop-dance team captain. During this time,she also appeared in community theatre productions of Annie and The wizard Of Oz. She attended Goucher College, please. After that, they visited the hotel Adler Studio of acting in New York City. Jane Levy was born in and grew up and an example for the others. Jane Levy used to live with her parents, including her father,mother and brother. Jane and family supports you in every Phase of your life, or that there is life in your professional life or in training. The right to move back to Los Angeles after two years in New York City. This levy was cast as Mandy return to Milkovich in a five episode role in the TV series Shameless(2011)within a few weeks to the West coast. In March2011 years,the country

  • Jane Levy (II) Fact: At age 7, she was in the musical, “Oklahoma”. Quit acting at age 13. Played soccer. .
  • Specialty of Jane Levy (II): .

Jane Levy (II) Contact and other Information:

Birthday: December 29, 1989
Birth Name: Jane Levy (II)
Birthplace:Los Angeles, California, USA
Star Sign: Capricorn
Nick Names:
Occupation: Actress
Height: 5′ 1½” (1.56 m)
User ID:4449689

Works and Awards:

Jane Levy (II) Contact Information:

There are different working contact methods like contact via contact number, contact via email id, social media messaging contact and via house address.

Contact Jane Levy (II) Phone Number

Easiest and direct possible Jane Levy (II) contacting method is through contact number. Dial it now as given.

Verified Jane Levy (II) Email Address

Emailing Jane Levy (II) is best option for text and written contact. Check email given.

Jane Levy (II) House Address

House Address for Actress Jane Levy (II) is: Jane Levy (II), Los Angeles, California, USA.

Jane Levy (II) on Social Media

Yes, Jane Levy (II) is already at social media platforms. You can find Jane Levy (II) on whatsapp id, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tumbler, Facetime.

[on her Suburgatory (2011) character] I think she’s a pretty dynamic character, and I get to do a whole range of things. In the first episode, I’m playing guitar and singing. I’m not very good, but I did that. Last season, there was a dance. I got to do this retarded dance and make a fool of myself. I got to dress up as Dallas and talk like her. On a television show, there’s so much I get to do. …

Jane Levy (II)

Questions by Fans and Followers:

Question 1: What is birthday of Jane Levy (II)?
Answer: Jane Levy (II) born on December 29, 1989 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Question 2: What is personal phone number of Jane Levy (II)?
Answer: Jane Levy (II) contact phone number is given in details above.

See Also:  Thora Birch Phone Number, Email & House Address

Question 3: Is Jane Levy (II) dead or alive?
Answer: Jane Levy (II) is alive and healthy as per 2020.

Question 4: What is Jane Levy (II) Horoscope?
Answer: Jane Levy (II) born December 29, 1989 . So, horoscope sign is Capricorn .

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